Are adult cats lactose intolerant?

We all have in mind the image of a cat enjoying a big bowl of milk. And though it is true that most cats love it, are milk and dairy products good for our little four-legged friends? Is it good for them or bad? And what about kittens?
The origins of the myth
At the moment, no one can say for sure where the myth comes from that milk is good for cats. Some believe that it originated on farms, where milk was left to attract cats to the stables and prevent the proliferation of rodents.
Is milk essential for a cat’s growth?
While kittens are fed exclusively on their mother’s milk for the first few months, they start to make the transition to solid food as soon as they reach weaning age. In most cases, the enzyme responsible for digesting lactose, called lactase, will gradually disappear from the body of our favourite felines. They will then find it increasingly difficult to digest dairy products, which can even prove harmful for adult cats.
Signs of lactose intolerance for cats.
If your cat is lactose intolerant, the undigested lactose will remain in its intestines and the bacteria will begin to ferment. This reaction can cause a number of symptoms that you should pay attention to, including diarrhoea, vomiting, flatulence and stomach ache.
There are a whole variety of alternatives to cow’s milk when it comes to cat food.
For kittens, mother’s milk is essential for proper growth, but unfortunately, we sometimes have to turn to another source of food. . In this case, CPRO FOOD’s CAT MILK EXPERT is a healthy and complete alternative for a kitten in good health.
For adult cats, the most important is a healthy, complete diet and good hydration. However, if you still wish to spoil him, give him CAT BISCUITS, he will be absolutely crazy about them. As for hydration, if you think your cat is not drinking enough, CPRO FOOD wet food is an ideal supplement.